Wednesday, February 9, 2011

They weren't as good as.....

February 9, 2011 Five more days! Wow the weekend approached and Valentine's Day!

Here is a question: If you came in on the end of a conversation where your boyfriend/girlfriend was talking about some people that they slept with but found out it was recently, what would you do?

Story Time!

If you've read my "Sex at GunPoint!" blog then we will be going back to Devin(me) & Char.

Well one of my friend knows that Char is no good for me so he decides to hook Char up with 3 people that both of us know. So since I had a job during the day and some of these guys had were off during the day. When I got off work then Char would be with me.

So one day I get a call from Char telling me that she was at a convenient store. So I went to the store. I walked in and my friend was listening to Char. As I got closer the only thing I heard was Char, "I don't know why you did that because none of them were better than Devin." I had no idea what they were talking about.

Now it was told to me later that my friend hooked them up to make her leave me because he knew that she would've cheated and was cheating on me during the course of our relationship.

I was pretty upset once I got the whole story. She didn't get to make it to the third guy. Should I have been just as equally flattered that she still considered me better than the other men?

The question at hand is: What would you do if that was you, coming in on the tail end of that conversation?

Leave your comment down below or on Facebook!

Think about if that situation came up on or just before Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!
5 days left!

I would like to do these questions on video but I would need some actors. Leave me a note in the comment field as well.

Tomorrow's Blog: I get to choose! Part 2

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